Despite the necessity of moving the Livery weekend, we were still able to celebrate the installation of the new Master as well as our Charter Day.

The installation ceremony in Bedern Hall was a bit of a squeeze, but we managed to successfully swear in the Master and the Court. Eight new members were also sworn in, followed by our member from Pennsylvania at the end of the dinner, as he didn’t quite make it in time. We welcome all of you to the Company.

The Master and Beadle welcome new member Brett Walker, who travelled from Pennsylvania to be sworn in.

The Master hosted a drinks reception where we were joined by our guests, who included the Lord Mayor and Sheriff, the Governor of the Merchant Adventurers, Masters of the Guild of Scriveners, the Gild of Freemen, the Merchant Taylors Company, the Media Arts and the IPM of the Company of Butchers. Also with us was the Master Fellmonger and the Warden of the Mercers, Grocers & Haberdashers of Richmond.

Fifty-two members and friends sat down to an excellent dinner provided by our new caterers, and this was followed by speeches from the Lord Mayor, the Master and his speaker Dr Geoff Thomason, Assistant Research Librarian at the Royal Northern College of Music.

The following morning we were joined by a number of York Masters, along with the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, for our Charter Day service.

The preacher was our own Chaplain, Rev Liz Hassall. As ever, visitors to the City were a bit confused to see us processing with badges, gowns and maces, and we were grateful to the Lord Mayor’s chauffeur who cleared a path through the crowds on the Shambles. The coffee and biscuits were most welcome on our return to Bedern Hall.



Rev Liz Hassall

Rev Liz Hassall

The Company of Coardwainers’ own Chaplain, Rev Liz Hassall, has also taken on the role of Sheriff of York’s Chaplain for the year.

I am sure that they will have an excellent year and hope that we will be able to welcome them to some events in their official capacity.