
The latest news updates from the Company of Cordwainers.

The Master had a very busy Charter weekend entertaining our London friends and was delighted to be invited to lunch with both the Girdlers and the Saddlers at their Halls in London. He attended the Induction and Institution of Revd Canon Anthony Howe at St James Garlickhythe, London.   Although Fr. Anthony is a personal friend, […]

The weather couldn’t have been better for our Livery weekend in May, with sunshine, blue skies and no rain. We welcomed Masters and their Consorts from the London Companies of Leathersellers, Coachmakers, Girdlers, Glovers, Loriners and Curriers, along with their Clerks.   The Deacon Convenors from Dundee and Kirkcudbright also attended. Before the dinner in the […]

When the Guildhall was refurbished, it was felt important to recognise the role of the Guilds in the life of the City. A wall on the first floor of the Guildhall now has the coat of arms of each York Guild on display, along with a resume of their history. The Master, Immediate Past Master […]

Each year, the Cordwainers award a prize to a first-year BA fashion student at York College, and in 2023, the brief was to design and make a leather accessory. The students spend an afternoon at Bedern Hall meeting members and learning about the Company. They then research, design and make their garment or accessory and […]

Despite the necessity of moving the Livery weekend, we were still able to celebrate the installation of the new Master as well as our Charter Day. The installation ceremony in Bedern Hall was a bit of a squeeze, but we managed to successfully swear in the Master and the Court. Eight new members were also […]

The Company of Coardwainers’ own Chaplain, Rev Liz Hassall, has also taken on the role of Sheriff of York’s Chaplain for the year. I am sure that they will have an excellent year and hope that we will be able to welcome them to some events in their official capacity.

The Sheriff’s Coronation Ball

On May 7th, 21 assorted Cordwainers and friends joined the Coronation celebrations at the Sheriff’s Coronation Ball in the Assembly Rooms. York has a tradition of holding Balls to celebrate the coronation of the new monarch, and 2023 was no exception. Guests were greeted by the York Guard, resplendent in their scarlet tunics with flags […]

Our normal colourful procession from Bedern Hall to All Saints, Pavement to celebrate our Charter was, of course, cancelled this year. However, we were pleased that we were allowed five Court members in the church and were also able to invite the Lord Mayor. The Master’s recent hip surgery meant that she couldn’t join us […]

The new Master of the Cordwainers, Mrs Ann Deller, was installed at a Zoom meeting of the Company on 8th May 2021. Like so many other organisations Zoom has become the new normal and restrictions meant that we couldn’t meet in person. The Master was sworn in by the outgoing Master and Clerk, Mrs. Ann […]

Since March 2020 when this country went into the first of three lockdowns, and despite the introduction of the Tier system, the Company has continued to hold Court meetings, via Zoom of course. During the most recent Court meeting in January, the first of 2021, it was agreed that with great regret the Charter Weekend, […]

Congratulations to York College University Centre fashion student Zara Hale, on winning The Company of Cordwainers of the City of York project competition 2020. Zara’s achievement was celebrated via a virtual Zoom call, with representatives from the Company of Cordwainers and her tutors in attendance. The Company of Cordwainers has supported students studying BA (Hons) […]

Master and Master-Elect enjoyed a wonderful luncheon hosted by The Worshipful Company of Glovers of London, held at the Stationers’ Hall near St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

A twenty-year-old York College fashion student has demonstrated that the ancient craft of fine leather-working is alive and well. Georgia Tyssen won the ‘Cordwainers Medal’, awarded each year to a first-year BA fashion student at the college by the Company of Cordwainers of York. Cordwainers were historically workers in fine leathers and the company is one […]

Bishopthorpe Palace Visit

The Company of Cordwainers made two interesting visits this summer. The first was to Bishopthorpe Palace, where 20 Cordwainers enjoyed a private tour to the historic home of the Archbishop of York. Our second visit was to the Castle Museum where, after a guided tour of Kirkgate, we were treated to a viewing of some […]